“Tico Tico no Fubá” guitar tab and sheet music. The tabs and lead sheets contain the chords and melody for the tune.
Sheet Music:
Tico Tico no Fubá
“Tico Tico no Fubá” was composed by the Brazilian musician, Zequinha de Abreu, in 1917. The song is a classic example of the choro music that originated in Brazil in the mid-1800s.
Guitar Tab
This is the first of four pages of the guitar tab for the melody of ‘”Tico Tico no Fubá.”
The melody is played as single-notes with the exception of a four-bar section where the melody is harmonized with one other note.

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“Tico Tico” Sheet Music
The sheet music below are lead sheets containing the chords (chord symbols) and melody for the song. T
A minor
The sheet music below is in the key of A minor.
The complete lead sheet is two pages long for the convenience of not having to turn the page during a performance. The form is A-A-B-B-A-A-C-C-A.

Download “Tico Tico no Fubá” Lead Sheet (2 Pages) as a PDF
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D minor
The sheet music below is in the key of D minor.
The complete lead sheet is two pages long for the convenience of not having to turn the page during a performance. The form is A-A-B-B-A-A-C-C-A.
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“Tico Tico” Lyrics
The original Portuguese lyrics were written by the Brazilian record producer, Aloysio de Oliveira, in the 1930s.
The English lyrics below were written by Ervin Drake in the 1940s.
Oh tico-tico tick!
Oh tico-tico tock!
This tico-tico -
he's the cuckoo in my clock.
And when he says:
"Cuckoo!" he means it's time to woo;
It's "tico-time"
for all the lovers in the block.
I've got a heavy date -
a tête-à-tête at eight,
so speak, oh tico,
tell me is it getting late?
If I'm on time, "Cuckoo!"
but if I'm late, "Woo-woo!"
The one my heart
has gone to may not want to wait!
For just a birdie,
and a birdie who goes no-where,
He knows of ev'ry Lovers' Lane
and how to go there;
For in affairs of the heart,
my Tico's terribly smart,
He tells me:
"Gently, sentiment'ly at the start!"
Oh-oh, I hear
my little tico-tico calling,
Because the time is right
and shades of night are falling.
I love that not-so-cuckoo
cuckoo in my clock:
tico-tico tico-tico-tico tock!
For more about the history and lyrics of “Tico Tico no Fubá” see the Wikipedia article on the subject.
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