Chord Melody vs Solo Guitar

In this post, I cover the similarities and differences between solo guitar and chord melody as I see it. If there are any. I also have an example of each using the first four bars of the tune, “Ode to Joy.”

Chord Melody

A Chord Melody Arrangement is a harmonized melody that is usually played with accompaniment. It usually sounds like a melody that has been thickened with harmony notes. It makes more use of block chords instead of broken chords. The bass line is usually not a separate part so it won’t get in the way of the bass player or anybody else in the band.

However, I have on many occasions seen Chord Melody being used for what I would consider being Solo Guitar. And it is very popular in the jazz world to simply call a Solo Guitar Arrangement a Chord Melody. A Chord Melody can also be performed as a solo piece and rubato. So I think the terms are interchangeable.

This is what a chord melody in it’s simplest form would look like. If you were playing this with a band, some of the bass notes would typically be left out. In a jazz situation, the harmony would be richer with less or no open notes.

Chord Melody Example

Solo Guitar

A Solo Guitar Arrangement is meant to be played on one guitar with no accompaniment. Therefore, the arranger can re-harmonize the song as he or she wishes, adding extra notes and bass lines without having to worry about it clashing with any other instruments.

In addition to that, the performer can slow down or speed up during the song at his or her discretion, since there is no one else you have to keep in time with. Here you have total freedom to do what you like with the arrangement.

This is what typical solo guitar arrangement would look like.

Ode to Joy - Solo Guitar Example

Side Note

I’ve also seen, especially in older books, the term Guitar Solo being used as a shorter way of saying, Solo Guitar Arrangement. Not to be confused with a guitar solo as an in improvising.


In the end, it’s probably not a good idea to get to hung up on the terms. Solo Guitar and Chord Melody are obviously interchangeable. At least when referring to an arrangement without accompaniment. But if you are looking to be more specific, well, then hopefully this article was of some use.

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