The “Dark Eyes” sheet music below are lead sheets with chords and melody. Included are the chord symbols (with guitar chord diagrams) and the melody in standard notation. One version is 4/4 (common time) and the other is in 3/4 (waltz).
Dark Eyes
“Dark Eyes” is a well known Russian romance – a Russian Gypsy song.
The lyrics come from a poem written by Ukranian poet Yevhen Hrebinka. The poem was first published in 1843 in Hrebinka’s own Russian.
Years later, Russian opera singer, Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin, rewrote the words to the poem and popularized the song.
Then in 1910, Adalgiso Ferraris, an Italian-born British composer and pianist, released a recording that became world-renowned.
Florian Hermann is credited for composing the music. The melody is said to come from his composition, Valse Hommage, but not a single music score of this is known.
Dark Eyes – Sheet Music
This sheet music for “Dark Eyes” is a lead sheet with chords, chord diagrams and the melody in standard notation. It is the version of the song in 4/4 time. It’s also the form and melody most commonly played by jazz musicians.
Scroll further down for the song in 3/4.
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Waltz Version
This is a lead sheet for “Dark Eyes” in 3/4 time. There are many variations of this melody throughout the history of the song. This would probably be the song in one of its simplest forms.
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Download the waltz (3/4 time) version above as a PDF.
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